Sunil Bandari asked this question a few days ago. I will respond about ACCA AAA.
Question 1 – Always a 50 mark case study question about ‘planning’
The structure/content of this question follows a similar theme each time:-
Audit Risk, Business Risk or Risk of Material Misstatement – Know the difference between them.
Group Audit Situation – Know the specifics of group accounts.
Audit Procedures (Specific) – Be clear as to how the procedure works and what you will need.
Audit Procedures (Analytical) – Look for the trends in the numbers and talk about them.
Materiality – Calculate it when ever you are given numbers.
Code of Ethics – Know the standard three stages to address an ethics question.
Money Laundering – You must understand the indicators of money laundering, how it happens, as well as what your responsibilities are as an auditor.
Fraud and Error – You must understand the indicators of fraud, how it happens, as well as what your responsibilities are as an auditor.
4 presentation marks are always there – 16% of the way to a pass in Question 1 if you just do the basics well (Same basics every time!).
Question 2 – Always about ‘completion, review and reporting’
You must know the following areas well:-
Evaluating misstatements and resolving outstanding issues.
Audit reporting implications.
Critical appraisal of a draft audit report.
Reporting to those charged with governance.
Question 3 – Always about ‘other assignments’
You must know the following areas well:-
Due diligence.
Prospective financial information.
Integrated reporting including social and environmental information.
Quality control & practice management.
My revision courses are created with these patterns and trends in mind. It is a very predictable exam if you have practiced enough questions and read the relevant technical articles.